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Verfasst: Mi 2. Mai 2007, 11:05
von Balthor
Hier mal der Rest:

PTR patch notes update: List of changes

Blizzard updated their PTR patch notes, without specifically highlighting the changes, the knowledgeable crew at Wowinsider made an accurate list of these changes.


- Inspect distance has been increased to 30 yards (from 10 yards).
- The amount of parry rating needed to get 1% parry has been reduced by 25%.
- Many set bonuses did not work properly when combined with an item or enchantment that had the exact same effect at the exact same magnitude. That issue has been corrected on all set bonuses.


- The new battleground matchmaking system is now implemented and active. This system allows the battleground to select teams of similar equipment quality and organizational level to battle each other. For now, the system will be very forgiving about creating matchups in order to keep queue times low. However, the parameters will be adjusted as necessary when more organized teams become active in the battlegrounds.


- Bestial Wrath: The immunity granted by thtis ability now lasts the full duration of the ability. Bestial Wrath now grants immunity to Cyclone. Cyclone will no longer prevent the immunities from being granted.
- Celestial Focus: The delay on the stun effect for Starfire has been reduced.


- Impact: The delay on the stun effect has been reduced.


- Consecration: Corrected a tooltip typo. Low ranks of this ability being cast by high-level players are now being properly penalized.
- "Illumination": This talent now only gives 60% of the mana cost of the critical heal. It also now returns the correct amount of mana when used with ranks 4 and 5 of "Holy Shock". [up from 50%]


- Blackout: The delay on the stun effect has been reduced.
- Mass Dispel mana cost reduced.
- "Shadow Word: Death": Cooldown increased to 12 sec and will now properly damage the casting Priest when it is reflected. [the reflection part is new]
- Spiritual Guidance: This talent now works while the Priest is in Shadowform.


- Blade Twisting: The delay on the daze effect has been reduced.
- Gouge: This ability will no longer trigger poisons (and thus break itself).


- Earth Shock: Rank 8 is now properly considered an Interrupt effect for talents and abilities that affect interrupts.


- Death Coil is now is now subject to diminishing returns in the Horror category. Currently, only Death Coil is in this category.
- Felguard: This pet will periodically check to see if you know the talent which allows you to summon it, and die if you do not know the talent.
- Seed of Corruption: This spell will now interact properly with town guards when bystanders are hit by its detonation in a duel.


- Bloodrage: It is no longer possible to gain extra rage from this ability by using tradeskills to keep you in combat.
- Charge: This ability will now properly cause the warrior to go into combat with its target.
- Flurry: Ranks 1-4 will no longer trigger from ranged critical strikes.
- Improved Hamstring: The delay on the immobilize effect has been reduced.
- Sweeping Strikes: This ability will no longer be modified erroneously on additional targets by percent modifiers to your damage.

Dungeons and Raids

- All 25 man raid bosses who drop set tokens will now drop an additional token.

Coilfang: Serpentshrine Cavern

- Morogrim Tidewalker has been moved to a more central location in his room.
- Hydross the Unstable's hit points have been slightly reduced.
- Colossus Ragers have had their health reduced significantly.

Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth

- Reduced the number of creatures in Shadow Labyrinth.


- Netherspite will no longer cast Nether Burn while crazed.

Magtheridon's Lair

- Hellfire Warders have been significantly reduced in difficulty.
- Hellfire Channeler's Shadow Bolt Volley has been made much more easy to interrupt.
- The melee damage of Burning Abyssals has been significantly reduced.

Tempest Keep

- High Astromancer Solarian's hit points have been greatly reduced.

Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz

- There are fewer Protean Nightmares roaming the halls of the Arcatraz.


- Alliance Shaman PvP Sets: These sets now have set bonuses as intended.
- "Mystical Skyfire Diamond": The triggering rate on this item has been increased, but it now only reduces the cast time on spells by half; and Warlocks casting "Corruption" with maximum ranks in "Improved Corruption" will no longer consume the "Focus" buff from this gem.
- Void Crystals maximum stack size has been increased to 20 from 10.

Verfasst: Do 3. Mai 2007, 00:43
von Balthor
Falls sich jemand für Items, Fraktionen etc. interessiert, hier werden sie geholfen.

Verfasst: Di 8. Mai 2007, 10:33
von Balthor
Ein Teil der geänderten Items mit 2.1.0:

Verfasst: Di 8. Mai 2007, 11:16
von aeowhyn
ich hoffe mal da fehlt so einiges

Verfasst: Di 8. Mai 2007, 11:39
von weizen
Auf is a weng mehr eingetragen.
Hört sich teils doch recht sinnvoll an, was sie nun mit dem lila Kram anstellen.


Verfasst: Mo 14. Mai 2007, 14:51
von Balthor
Magtheridon bekommt auch etwas neues hinzugefügt, in alter Manier a'la Ony und Nef:



Verfasst: Do 17. Mai 2007, 07:59
von Xarfai
News: WoW: Vorschau auf Patch 2.1.0

Die Zeichen stehen gut, dass der große Content-Patch 2.1.0 namens „Der Schwarze Tempel“ bereits am Mittwoch den 23. Mai auf die Server ausgespielt wird. Die Test-Server sind bereits heruntergefahren und der Background-Downloader schaufelt die ersten Daten des Patches auf eure Festplatte.

Verfasst: Do 17. Mai 2007, 11:52
von Balthor
Xarfai hat geschrieben:News: WoW: Vorschau auf Patch 2.1.0

Die Zeichen stehen gut, dass der große Content-Patch 2.1.0 namens „Der Schwarze Tempel“ bereits am Mittwoch den 23. Mai auf die Server ausgespielt wird. Die Test-Server sind bereits heruntergefahren und der Background-Downloader schaufelt die ersten Daten des Patches auf eure Festplatte.
Von wann is die News? Ich kann mich erinnern dass der Testrealm am Montag offline war und am Dienstag wieder gestartet wurde. Und die Testrealms sind so nebenbei immer noch online.

Verfasst: Do 17. Mai 2007, 11:56
von Xarfai
Von gestern. Steht auf

Verfasst: Fr 18. Mai 2007, 12:25
von Balthor

* Taunts: The taunt system has been adjusted so that Warrior Taunt, Druid Growl, and Paladin Righteous Defense will now grant the player the correct amount of threat even when the creature or its target is crowd controlled.
* Dodge Rating: Low level players now calculate dodge from dodge rating at the same rate as level 34 players.
* The negative effect of the orc racial ability Blood Fury no longer stacks with other effects that reduce healing (Mortal Strike, Wounding Poison, etc.)
* Characters can now speak with Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath City during Children’s Week to mentor a draenei (Alliance) or blood elf (Horde) orphan. Shattrath orphans have a whole new line of sight-seeing requests across both Outland and Azeroth and three new pets to offer to their mentors.


* Force of Nature: The Treants summoned by this spell will now correctly attack your target even if it is neutral or non-aggressive.
* Swiftmend: The button for this ability will now be greyed out when your current target does not have Rejuvenation or Regrowth.


* Kill Command: This ability will now still work even when your pet is out of your line of sight.


* Hypothermia: If this debuff would prevent you from casting a spell on a given target, the button for that ability is now grayed out.


* Blessing of Light: Paladins can now cast this as intended when they have Greater Blessing of Light on themselves.
* Forbearance: If this debuff would prevent you from casting a spell on a given target, the button for that ability is now grayed out.


* Power Infusion: This ability is now unuseable on Rogues or Warriors.
* Shadowfiend: The Shadowfiend will now correctly attack your target even if it is neutral or non-aggressive.
* Shadowfiend: Increased the Shadowfiend's chance to hit higher level enemies.
* Shadow Weaving (Shadow): Effect reduced by 1% per rank.rank and Mana Burn will now correctly trigger this talent.
* Weakened Soul: If this debuff would prevent you from casting a spell on a given target, the button for that ability is now grayed out.


* Added a visual, sound, and combat log message when the Cheat Death talent saves the rogue from death.
* Sword Specialization: This ability now grants extra yellow attacks instead of extra white attacks. This change will make Sword Specialization no longer reset the weapon swing timer when it triggers off special attacks, and results in a net increase in damage dealt.


* Healing Way: This talent now correctly modifies the healing done after all bonus effects have been applied.
* Windfury Weapon: A bug with this spell was making off-hand procs receive less bonus damage than intended. It is now fixed.


* Conflagrate: The button for this ability will now be greyed out when your current target does not have Immolate.
* Felguard: This pet will periodically check to see if you know the talent which allows you to summon it, and die if you do not know the talent.
* Soulstones: Soulstones can no longer be used on targets not in your party or raid. In addition, the soulstone buff will now be removed if the target or caster leaves the party or raid.


* Sword Specialization: This ability now grants extra yellow attacks instead of extra white attacks. It also grants rage based on the speed of your weapon. This change will make Sword Specialization no longer reset the weapon swing timer when it triggers off special attacks, and results in a net increase in damage dealt.


* The majority of level 70 epic items have been upgraded to reflect their intended power.
* Serpent-Coil Braid: The bonus spell damage from this trinket is now removed if the trinket is unequipped.
* Argussian Compass: A bug where this trinket sometimes caused all the damage from an attack to be absorbed has been fixed.
* General’s Dreadweave Boots: Now available for purchase from the PvP vendor as intended.
* Malorne Raiment and Malorne Regalia: These sets no longer erroneously apply a reduction in cost to some Druid spells.
* Cyclone Regalia: The chance for a mana cost reduction to occur has been reduced.
* Warrior Tier 4 Tanking Set: The Blade Turning Bonus now prevents the correct amount of damage, 200.
* Priest Tier 5 Shadow Set: The Sadist buff will no longer be consumed when casting a spell which does neither damage nor healing.
* Priest Tier 4 Shadow Set: Mind Flay will now benefit correctly from the 4 piece bonus.
* Shaman Tier 5 Spell Damage Set: The 4 piece bonus will no longer be triggered by Shocks and Chain Lightning.


* Reduced the reagents required to make Ironshield Potions.
* New cauldron recipes can now be discovered when making most major protection potions. Cauldrons can provide an entire raid with a major protection potion.


* Healing Potion Injectors and Mana Potion Injectors created by engineers now have new icons and the engineering requirement to use them has been reduced.
* Gnomish Flame Turret now creates 3 turrets instead of 1. Thorium Tube requirement changed to Fel Iron Casing.


* Fixed a bug where you could catch 2 fish at once in some zones.


* Thorium Setting only requires 1 thorium bar now.
* Several new recipes that use Jaggal and Shadow Pearls have been added to jewelcrafting trainers.
* Increased the chance to find blue gems when prospecting.
* Removed the 1 hour cooldown when cutting diamonds.
* Reduced the matching requirements for some diamonds.


* Changed the socket bonuses on the Windhawk set to something more appropriate.

Additional Profession Changes

* Reduced the time required to skin.
* Motes of Shadow now primarily drop from void creatures and have been removed from nearly all demons.
* Void Crystals maximum stack size increased to 20 from 10.


* Zephyrium Capacitorium: This interactable object now makes a player immune to all attacks and spells while it is operating on them.
* Reduced the number of Black Dragonscales required for the warlock mount quest.

Dungeons and Raids

* Gruul is now more likely to use his Hurtful Strike and Ground Slam abilities on players instead of Cave-In.

User Interface

* There is now a Rotate Minimap feature.
* You can now enable target of target in raid windows
* New interface option: Open Loot Window at Mouse
* New interface option: Disable Lua Errors
* You now see the season stats instead of weekly stats for arena teams when you inspect another player
* Guild names now appear in player tooltips
* Stackable items retrieved from mail will automatically stack in your inventory
* You are now able to right click a player name to report them to GMs.

World Environment

* Apothecary Azethen, Ryathen the Somber, Arcanist Calesthris Dawnstar, Magister Duskwither, Tethik, Darnassian Protector, and Groggeroc no longer get loot sparkles when killed.
* Antilus the Soarer: This creature can now be skinned.

Verfasst: Di 22. Mai 2007, 03:18
von Anaya
ausm dev-chat von eben:
Dev chat is now finished. 2.1.0 Patch will be deployed tomorrow on live servers

Verfasst: Di 22. Mai 2007, 03:54
von weizen
Hier der komplette Dev-Chat - für die Interessierten.

Verfasst: Di 22. Mai 2007, 09:20
von Genoo

Q: Retribution specced paladins are not seen as a viable raid choice as their DPS is 'low' and the support they bring could easily be done by another DPS class. Will retribution be made into a viable end-game raiding spec through either DPS increases or support increases?
Tigole: but then who will save the hunters, kalgan

.. -.-

Verfasst: Di 22. Mai 2007, 14:53
von Nekuma
noch mehr dev-chat

Q: With the current status of raid progression and the corresponding attunements, it is becoming more and more clear to many people that their chances of beating (or even seeing) Black Temple or Hyjal before the next expansion is out are quite low. Only the most hardcore of the hardcore, even among raiders, seem to be making significant progress. Are there any plans to making BC raiding somewhat less unforgivable?
Tigole: Yes, tomorrow, first thing in the morning 2.1.0 will go live and I think there are *many* significant changes to help with raid progression issues. If raid progression is still a problem after 2.1.0, we'll make further changes. We WANT people doing the content, we want the encounters to get beat, i'd rather have fun, beaten encounters then a raid game full of mysteries that no one is going to see, plus all your epics are getting a big buff tomorrow. if all that fails, there is always STARCRAFT 2 omg?